Tribal Housing Environmental Assessment

Lark personnel, in coordination with a partnering Native American-owned business, worked for a sovereign tribal nation to complete an Environmental Assessment (EA) required by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) before releasing funding for the proposed project. This EA involved the review of the construction of 20 homes and a community building on the reservation. Success of the project was predicated on continued coordination with the Tribal Housing Authority and its contractors to acquire maps and data sets for the successful completion of the EA.

The same tribe reached out to Lark personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic for help with completing the required HUD NEPA compliance documents needed for the Tribe to receive emergency funding assistance. Lark personnel led the Tribal Housing Authority through the development of the environmental documents needed per HUD’s emergency COVID-19 project guidance and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s (ACHP’s) emergency response provisions of Section 106

Additional Highlights

A close up of a wooden shelf in a room.