Agricultural Resource Management Plan Programmatic Environmental Assessment, 2021

A sovereign tribal nation contracted Lark to develop a NEPA compliant Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) for their community-developed Agricultural Resource Management Plan (ARMP). Success of the project was predicated on Lark’s expertise and experience in understanding the requirements per the regional and local U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs’ offices and a comprehensive Proposed Action. Lark ensured that the essential Proposed Action had been reviewed and agreed upon by an interdisciplinary working group that consisted of community members, tribal council members, multiple tribal department heads, and federal agency contacts. In the end, the well thought out and coordinated project details facilitated the successful completion of a decision record so that the Tribe could move forward with implementing the ARMP, hence providing future funding opportunities for the Tribe as well.

Lark personnel approached the project with a cost-saving approach for streamlining the PEA and associated Biological Assessment required under the Endangered Species Act. In the end, the project was completed under budget and ahead of schedule, providing the client with approximately $14,000 in project savings.

Additional Highlights

A bison is standing in a grassy field with trees in the background.